Tag Archive: qtscript

Dinjam Qml progress


It is late already, I have to go to work tomorrow… today… so this will be a short status update. Today I had enough motivation to work on the Qml frontend of Dinjam again 🙂 and it shows off with SOME results 🙂

We can load scripts and they can actually do something. So this Dialog (with the white area in it) is actually a QGraphicsView subclass created by the Base script (the same script used in the desktop version) YAY 🙂

So that’s it for now =) Hopefully I can soon continue working on it…

Btw: happy new year 😛 hope everyone had a good start 🙂

Dinjam revival and CMake magic

Beside of sex, love and rock’n’ roll there are also other things going on… 🙂 (yeah I know those things are laaame in comparison ^^)

Dinjam is going to get a revival as a mobile app for maemo or meego (have I mentioned that before?). I’m planning to do that using a library and mulitple frontends.

One of the frontends planned is a Qml frontend using Qt Quick Components. Another one is a native libmeegotouch UI. And of course the already existing frontend using traditional QWidgets.

Currently everything is in a broken state – and can be found in my mobileui branch on gitorious.

The current status is that CMake migration is in the progress… the library is already created but I’m not sure yet if I need some export macros? or how I should handle include paths… I also need to figure out what has to be cleaned up from the desktop (widget based) ui into the library and how I can strip down those components…

Next will be that I’ve gotta figure out how I can use the QGraphicsView in Qml OR how I can paint from within QtScript onto the Qml Scene… I would like to be able to animate the View (roll it to the side like a paper or something like that …)

So if anyone has got any idea on how to do this I would really appreciate it 🙂

Maybe you are asking yourself what has kept me busy and why it took so long for those small looking steps… well life… and cmake… this grandious build system had something against my complex folder structure… yeah… until I found out how to use it the right way(tm)…. did you know that CMake had an include statement? using it you can include other CMakeLists and therefore you can set variables in a subdir and still use this variable in the topdir where you included the list… who needs add_subdirectory if you can use include? 😛 cool thing… 🙂

I found that solution through the help of a german qt forum 🙂 thanks. so for all my german readers (are there any? oO): here you can find the thread.

Cu next time 🙂


Maybe you’ve been struggling in the past to get scripting into your application? Hard task isn’t it?

NO.. you get pretty good scripting capabilities using the qtscriptgenerator

They expose nearly 100% of the Qt api.. I hear you crying: “BUT THAT’S A SECURITY THREAT!” .. and I fully agree.. so it’s still up to you, to decide what you wanna do… maybe only allowing to use part of the qt modules, maybe just exporting some classes/functions.. it’s up to you to decide, which scripting capabilities you want to offer your developers and how you want to prevent scriptkiddies from taking over your machine 😀

This whole stuff is still really new to me so forgive me if I told ya complete bull**** ^^

I’m also looking forward to the kdevelop bindingsgenerator getting ripped out and ported to be useful for normal bindings.. reason for this is that as far as I’ve heard recently the qtscriptgenerator is pretty out of date technologywise and the kdevelop bindingsgenerator is much better from the technical pov..

Hope we’ll be looking into a bright scripting future.. the possibilities are just too cute to resist 😀

*me goes back to ripping apart amaroks scripting/khotnewstuff capabilities :D*
*me likes the approach they’ve taken :-)*
