
Again some time has gone by since my last blog =( sadly I didn’t have much time lately to blog so I’ll just give you an update on what I was doing today.

I updated my 6 month old Arch Linux installation on my old notebook to the current testing (running testing before). I started yaourt -Syu and it ran through without any hickups, rebootet and I had a fully working system on bleeding edge technology again… now THAT is what I call seamless rolling release distro 🙂

I’m also using Arch Linux on my current notebook which I regulary keep up2date which works also great =) and my buildserver is also running Arch Linux but not testing and it is also working really reliabe =)

I just love Arch Linux!

Although I’m really curious about other current distros like Fedora 15 or openSUSE 11.4 or even Ubuntu… each has their own great strenghts but I still think I’ll always come back to Arch 🙂

Cya soon hopefully