
As if I haven’t got enough unfinished projects running I’ve “started” another one… control center for Sabayon linux (see this thread: http://www.sabayonlinux.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=3410&start=50 )

Sabayon’s really cool but it’s really missing a graphical frontend for all the config files. I already started the discussion back in 2007 and yesterday when I was lazy I brought it back up.. well.. now we are 3 people (irc) who are willing to do some work..

I tried porting yast to sabayon but I wasn’t successfull yet because my portage is broken now aber my pc crashed (it’s likely it was too hot -.-  ) during a portage update 😦

Also I experienced .. for the first time in my life .. really good support in a tech related company.. DiTech.. a austrian company selling pcs, components, notebooks..

I asked the employee some questions and he was really anxious on answering them 🙂 I’ll now for sure by myself this one: Dimotion StrongBook S5 (Based on Compal JHL 90):

Intel Core2Duo P9500 2,5Ghz, 6MB 2nd Lvl Cache
4GB DDR2 667MHz
320GB 5400rpm

and other cool stuff I’ve forgot ^^

So.. it’s late here in austria and I have to stay up early tomorrow.. last day at work for this summer 🙂

cu guys